martes, 16 de febrero de 2021

Vómito mental

 La ansiedad me quiere ganar otra vez. Is it just anxiety? I'll probably add the "separation" adjective. 

Es eso, la dificultad de compartir espacios (muertos) conmigo misma sin la necesidad de estar con alguien. I'm aware that I wanna talk to you to replace this "boredom" with excitement. Pero por qué no puedo tolerar este espacio?. Viene a mi mente la asociación creada en la infancia donde soledad = tristeza, angustia, desprotección. Am I still that little girl? Just for a second... what would she do if instead of sadness she decided to do something else?. I'll pretend for a minute that mis padres se preocupaban de explicarme (y cumplir) que sería por un breve momento y que todo estaría bien. 

Todo va a estar bien

Todo va a estar bien

Todo va a estar bien

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021


 Thought everything was in control till now. And it's not that I'm (conscienly) insecure or anything, is just that ... I really have no idea. Since yesterday I'm feeling this anxiety, the chemicals begging me to see you as soon as posible. But, I have to be aware of that, it's just oxytocin Amanda! It's not like the first time you feel ir, remember? It's just that happened a long time since the very last time I felt it (probably around 2012 with the fireman). 

Fuck, it sucks that in every simgle moment of free time my mind goes right to you. But it's not something specific, that's how I know it's just hormones and shit like that. I mean... Ok, maybe the horoscope had a bit to do in this, as far as I recall, it started when she read something like "Capricorn, you've found your soulmate" and OF COURSE that I thought of him. The day after, I couldn't even look at you without smiling and thinking "fuck, I think I really like him". And though our conversation felt honest, I still have to see my own red flags. Here I go.

Today I was walking around while texting you, and had this image of a few months ago when I used to talk with N after lunch. Am I looking for a replacement? Am I looking for attention? Am I trying to evoid putting my shit back together? Guess I have a lot of thinking to do. As far as I know, I promised myself that everytime I "needed" to text you (with nothing to talk about) I'm gonna sit on the drums to play some music, to remind me that this is MY TIME, and I want to do all things I left aside for N. 

When something it's meant to be, it just finds you naturally, there's nothing to force. If it goes, was never yours, if it comeback... You know.

(You got this, girl)